Overall, it was fantastic being able to remove the boot and sleep comfortably. My one small complaint was that the bottom of the splint dug into my shin because there was no enough padding to cover the hard plastic part. I had to stuff tissues in-between the splint and my shin to stop it from hurting. The orthopaedic surgen I was seeing at Kings Hospital in Romford was absolutely useless. I tried to show him the splint and explain how it allowed me to remove the boot and he just got upset and didn't want to listen. Overall, they have a very back-in-the-days approach to achilles tendon tears, putting patients in thigh-high plaster and then knee-high plaster for about a month before they will go to the boot. I objected and said I just wanted the boot after 2 weeks because of the immobility of the plaster and this upset them.Verified Buyer
I've had much success with the Achilles Night Splint. Here in the states, surgery is much more common as I was told I had a complete tear. I refused and was put in a cam boot. Finding the splint online, I tried it. Visiting back with the surgeon he said it is healing and I should start rehab straight away. I am now trying to rebuild the muscle. It's slow, but a positive process. I believe the splint helped me greatly. Thank you.Verified Buyer
The Night Splint should be a Dr recommended accessory at the time a boot is prescribed to be worn for 24 hours a day. On my first day, after 15 minutes in bed with 'the boot'', I began looking online for suggestions and options. I quickly found the Thetis Medical, Night Splint with excellent reviews. I contacted my orthopedist n the morning and received approval to using the splint for sleeping, The splint arrived a day or two later and proved its worth that night, and for the following months as a viable sleeping splint. Thank you.Verified Buyer
It was extremely difficult getting any sleep whilst wearing a heavy boot. I found the night splint on line and bought it without reference to any of the professionals. It made a massive difference to getting a good nights rest. I would recommend it to anyone with a ruptured Achilles tendon.Verified Buyer
If you've ruptured your Achilles tendon... Commiserations! It's not fun. And it's not a quick recovery. You will have been given a Controlled Ankle Movement (CAM) boot and, after wearing it all day, there's no respite at night. Like me, you might find that sleeping in the boot is even harder than walking in it. It's hot. Things you don't notice during the day suddenly become impossible to ignore: a bit of pressure here, a bit of rubbing there. And you can't sleep. This is exactly what the night splint is designed to solve. And it works. As others have noted, the splint is not cheap, but it's a niche product, made by a small company, and there's little scope for economies of scale. You're paying for the expertise that went into its design too. In my view, it's worth every penny. It took me a bit of fiddling around making minor adjustments to the position and tightness of the straps to get it comfortable. It's a case of balancing security and comfort. I prioritised security and, the first night, I had tightened the strap that goes under the foot a little too much and, as a result, the splint was pressing on the top of my foot too much for a whole night's comfort. I was also concerned that the strap at the heel might cause problems, but it hasn't. In the end, I've found that I'm actually having the heel strap a little tighter than the calf and foot straps and that's got the balance between security and comfort about right. I've still found that a cotton wool make-up pad, half under the splint, at the edge nearest my small, outer toes helps: everyone's feet are different and I found that was a bit of a pressure point. However, it's worth the effort: I've been able to sleep well and the splint has remained secure. The recovery of my Achilles tendon remains on track too. In summary, then, this has been a very worthwhile purchase. It's a good example of a small company that's identified a problem and provided a solution. (Note: the Thetis website is also an excellent source of information about Achilles tendon injuries and recovery.) I would also suggest searching for the Evenup Shoe Balancer on Amazon: another helpful product but one that makes walking with a CAM boot a bit easier.Verified Buyer
Ruptured Achilles is hard. And recovery is very long. I've never had "total bed rest" before. This night brace as been a savior: I can sleep and rest comfortably. It is light, cool and easy to put on. Far preferable to (not) sleeping in The Boot. Sleep is critical to recovery. It's not cheap, but worth the price for a well designed niche medical product. Other reviewers have some negative comments about design and comfort. I don't agree. Strapping a sensitive injured foot into a brace is not a usual thing and some minor strap adjustments relieved discomfort. I did consult with my Orthopedic Surgeon, as Thetis recommended. Since my surgeon also has an MA in engineering, after the caveats about not "touching down", gave approval. 2 weeks post surgery I've combined the Thetis night brace with the IWalk Hands Free crutch around the house. I can cook, clean, carry stuff in both hands and be a little less of an imposition on my spouse. Still use The Boot when I have to "gimp out" to run unavoidable errands. Prior to this injury I was very active, with decent balance and leg strength. All necessary for the above combination. Finally: be patient. Recovery from an Achilles Rupture takes time.Verified Buyer
I ruptured my achilles and spent 3 weeks "In the boot" before I finally gave in with lack of sleep and started to research products like this. I was swayed by the positive reviews on this product and took the plunge, it has genuinely been the single best decision I have made in my recovery so far, its light, easy to fit and comfortable (as long as you don't overtighten the straps). My physio has said this is fine to use when resting/sleeping but obviously not for weight bearing (which is stated *in bold*, in the instructions). If you're struggling to sleep in your heavy achilles boot and your significant other is fed up of being knocked and poked by the cumbersome boot then I'd definitely recommend purchasing one of these.Verified Buyer
This product works perfect to keep my foot in forward flexion as I sleep Just lay in bed during the day. In order for Achilles tendon ruptures to heal correctly having your foot in this position, early on after injury is imperative. I'm not a doctor, but that's What doctor say. I tried the splint Against my skin, but after wearing a while, it starts to bother my foot a bit. So I wear a sock underneath it and it works perfectVerified Buyer
Finally got the restful sleep I needed. The cast and heavy dirty boot made sleep tough. If you're recovering from an achilles rupture buy this immediately.Verified Buyer
Although this splint is intended for night use only. I used it day and night for immobilization in my first 4 weeks after Achilles repair. I used this to replace the slab my surgeon put me on after surgery. Its convenient, comfortable, well ventilated whilst providing adequate support to put my ankle in place. I certainly recommend this product over cast or slab after achilles repair if the surgeon prefers non weight bearing early post op.Verified Buyer
This damn thing is my new bestie!! I am SO thankful to have found it. I am a light sleeper to begin with and the boot was making sleep impossible! It felt like a torture chamber at night. At the 2 week mark (non-op) my Dr. approved this, and I am sleeping 6-8 hours a night which is my norm. I have read people think it is too expensive??? It is priceless! Some say it is a bit uncomfortable, but if you add a nice thick wool sock under it, you will quickly adjust to the slight discomfort. Seriously, if you are struggling with the boot at night, treat yourself with this wonderful device!!!Verified Buyer
Works great to keep the achilles tendon in relaxed state when recovering from a achilles injury or post-op. It literally takes a few secs to put on and remove. I've been using it for a couple of weeks now and its working well. I take my boots off for the night and wear this while sleeping. Its comfortable as well. Highly recommend if you are in the recovery stage of an achilles rupture post-op and out of the cast.Verified Buyer
Magificent thinking and huge contribution to wellbeing when the little things seem to be non trivial any more. In a challenging period, where I am limited in mobility, this product allowed me removing the heavy and clumsy boot at night, get my foot ventilazed, and improving my sleep. Excellent product!Verified Buyer
This worked great and kept me from having to wear my big clunky walking boot to bed! So glad I found this. I couldn't sleep with that walking boot at night!! Great product.Verified Buyer
I had reconstructive surgery of my left Achilles' tendon and will be wearing a boot for 6 mos to a year. I read the reviews and even though it was a little expensive, it was worth every penny! I use it at night and it keeps my left foot and ankle in the proper position. I wear two socks with the brace. I can sleep comfortably with this brace! It is a lifesaver!Verified Buyer
I completely ruptured my achilles and had surgery. I didn't get any sleep for the first 1 1/2 months in my heavy boot. Plus deep cleaning it every night before bed got so old. I decided to buy this so I could try to get some sleep the last month in my boot! I have been sleeping so much better! I personally wouldn't recommend using this until a wedge has come out of your boot. I think you'll need more support than this product can offer right after surgery. But I think switching over to this nighttime brace about halfway through the boot recovery time felt pretty safe and comfortable. I wear a sock with it for comfort. I wish it was cheaper, but it definitely helps me get some sleep! 2 more weeks until I'm back in my shoes with a heel lift!! I hope this helps someone going through this recovery! Good luck and quick healing!Verified Buyer
Nach der OP an der Achillessehne war diese Schiene eine Erleichterung in der Nacht! Würde ich auf alle Fälle empfehlen wenn man wieder durchschlafen möchte!Verified Buyer
Endlich wieder nachts schlafen. Die Schiene ist leicht, gut gepolstert und lässt wieder Luft an den Fuß. Sie liegt gut an und hält den Fuß in Position. Warum gibt es die nicht hier in den Sanitätshäusern? Nicht mal ein Hinweis darauf! Bin im Internet darauf gestoßen und hätte sie gerne von Anfang an gehabt. Welch eine Erleichterung.Verified Buyer
Nach meiner Achillessehnenruptur und meiner op, habe ich die ersten Nächte mit Orthese geschlafen. Länger als eine Stunde am Stück schlafen und mit ständigen Positionswechseln und Druckschmerzen waren die Nächte eine reine Qual. Zum Glück habe ich dann diese Schiene bei Amazon entdeckt. Klar ist es ein Nieschenprodukt und klar ist der Preis angesichts der verbauten Materialien viel zu hoch und trotzdem ist mir die Schiene jeden Cent wert, denn sie war der Gamechanger für meine Nächte:) Endlich geschützt und trotzdem recht frei schlafen zu können, war eine wahre Wohltat für meinen Schlaf:) wichtig... die Schiene korrekt anzulegen, aber die Klettverschlüsse nicht zu fest zu zurren, da man sonst nachts ebenfalls starke Schmerzen bekommt. Sollte in allen Sanitätshäusern im Regal liegen und auch empfohlen werden, denn guter Schlaf trägt erheblich zur Regeneration und Heilung bei :)Verified Buyer
I read the reviews for the night splint but nn one said much about foot size or leg length. As I am a size 3.5 (36) GB size feet and only 5 feet tall (short legs) I was rather undecided whether the small would fit as it is advertised smaller than a size 8 which is a lot bigger than I am. As you will see from the photo it fits perfectly and keeps my ruptured Achilles in place while I sleep. This is a great step forward (sorry about the pun) as although I had found a way of sleeping with my boot on, this works much better. It's lighter for a start and keeps my foot supported at the right angle. The splint sits in place with the straps done up and they don't need to be too tight to keep it secure. I wear an ankle support under it as my foot gets cold and this also seems to help keep it secure. I'm not sure about the size 8 cut off for sizing though, as I think someone with a longer leg, and bigger foot than me might need the large to get the ankle strap in the right place. You must not use the splint to weight-bear so I only use it for sleeping or resting. As a doctor and psychologist I've found my ruptured Achilles incredibly frustrating so having the splint offers a bit of comfort in miserable circumstances. The price reflects the special nature of the product, though I recognise that not everyone is as fortunate as I am and maybe totally reliant on NHS-provided aids. I found the splint through the Achilles rupture e book by Matthew Solan and if you are looking for good info on this injury the e book is definitely worth a read. If you are reading this because like me you have ruptured your Achilles I empathise and wish you well with your recovery. Please do follow your doctor's instructions to get it soonest mended.Verified Buyer
After surgery and post op week 2 when the splint was removed, had a horrible night sleep with the night splint. Went and bought this. Expensive but man did it help. Also was able to wear it while sitting and doing work as long as I don't step down. Boot was to tiring for it to be comfortable all day.Verified Buyer
This splint has proved the difference between a good nights sleep and barely any sleep at all. Wearing it at other odd times that boot is inconvenient also gives me confidence that I won't unexpectedly pull my foot upwards.Verified Buyer
Really useful after my dreadful Achilles tendon tear when I didn't want to wear the boot in bed!Verified Buyer
This boot was an excellent buy. I have a ruptured Achilles and this allows me to remove the big boot on occasion, just make sure you keep your toes forward during transition, someone to help would be an advantage too. Would recommend, but as the product states, 'only for a ruptured Achilles.'Verified Buyer
This is a saviour for night time wearing. So much easier than the big boot. You need to be careful of getting up. I started using a crutch initially but as confidence grew just tried to ensure that I was careful. Five weeks down and another five or six to go. Would have struggled with the full boot.Verified Buyer
A great alternative to wearing the walking boot to bed, without worrying about inadvertently straightening or knocking your foot.Verified Buyer
Bring summer I was finding that big boot for protecting my leg too hot. I got approval from a Dr that using this when sleep from week 4 would be fine. It has made such a difference!Verified Buyer
Brilliant device. Arrived the day after it was ordered. Delighted in all respects.Verified Buyer
This product is well designed. It gives good protection to injured Achilles' tendon whilst sleeping. Allows much better sleep compared to the pressure boot.Verified Buyer
This is a great idea, wasn't looking forward too keeping the aircast boot on all day and night.Verified Buyer
This item saved me from going crazy with a boot following my operation to fix my leg.Verified Buyer
I'm glad my consultant recommended this as it makes sleeping much easier.Verified Buyer
Lightweight yet supportive, allows for a good night's sleepVerified Buyer